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[103 美國直購] 3Dconnexion  滑鼠 3DX-700028 SpaceNavigator 3D Mouse

[103 美國直購] 3Dconnexion 滑鼠 3DX-700028 SpaceNavigator 3D Mouse



Product Details

Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 2 inches ; 1.1 pounds

Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds

ASIN: B000LB7G00

Item model number: 3DX-700028

Product Description

3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator SE (Standard Edition) 3D Navigation Device USB ( 3DX-700028 )

From th汽車旅館裝潢e住宅裝修 Manufacturer

Let a 3D mouse empower your Design

A true 3D mouse, SpaceNavigator represents a great leap forward in price and performance for controller technology. Unlike a conventional mouse that confines movement to a flat plane, the SpaceNavigator 3D mouse makes it much easier to control 3D models and scenes. By gently pushing, pulling, tilting or sliding the SpaceNavigator’s pressure sensitive controller cap users simultaneously move objects with six degrees of freedom. By varying the amount of pressure on the cap users can easily accelerate or decelerate actions with precision.

The Perfect Companion for 3D applications.

Unique pressure sensing technology makes the 3D mouse a virtual extension of a user’s body—and the perfect companion for today’s most popular 3D applications, including SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended, ArchiCAD, and many more.

An Indispensable Asset

'I've been a user since 1998. I find your products are an indispensable asset in doing my job easier and quicker and with less repetitive stress. If you work on a CAD system, do yourself a big favour and get one of these products.' Dana Fiorucci Senior Design Engineer

Why use a SpaceNavigator 3D mouse?

The key advantage of a SpaceNavigator over a mouse and keyboard is the ease of performing intricate adjustments to camera views and models without repeatedly stopping to change direction, zoom, or rotate. With a SpaceNavigator you can do all three at once while simultaneously using the mouse to access commands and tools.

Heavy for precision.

A heavy (479 grams) brushed stainless steel base keeps the SpaceNavigator stationary and provides a stable platform for the spring-mounted pressure sensitive controller cap.


Universal compatibility: Works with all your favorite 3D applications--on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Affordable precision: Step up to advanced 3D technology--at a price that’s comparable with many 2D mice.

Space saving: The small footprint of SpaceNavigator 3D mouse conserves space. Your work area remains uncluttered, even if you’re also using a conventional mouse.

順便關心下時事新聞: (中央社巴黎╱加薩市3日綜合外電報導)法國總統歐蘭德今天在巴黎召開商討以色列和巴勒斯坦人衝突的會議,籲請雙方「勇敢地選擇」和平;哈瑪斯等4個巴勒斯坦團體對此加以譴責。 這項會議力求為今年底之前召開成熟的和平會議奠基,但鮮少有人相信,這能獲致真正進展。 以、巴雙方今天都未獲邀與會,以國憤怒地將法國相關倡議比喻為1916年劃定區域國界的賽克斯─皮寇協定(Sykes─Picot)。 同時儘管美國國務卿凱瑞出席了會議,美國當局仍表明,相信這項會議將一事無成。 歐蘭德表示,解決之道必須源自中東地區,但歸根結底,還是要由以、巴雙方「勇敢地選擇和平」。 哈瑪斯、伊斯蘭聖戰、巴勒斯坦人民解放陣線和巴勒斯坦民主解放陣線等4個巴勒斯坦團體今天對巴黎和談加以譴責。 這4個團體發表聲合聲明說:「法國以倡議形式提出的構想,嚴重侵犯了巴勒斯旦人共同的民族利益,尤其是重返家園的權利。」 數百萬巴勒斯坦難民定居在以國四周各國,這些巴人要求獲准重返他們原先的土地。但對以色列人而言,這將為以色列國家構成生存問題。 聲明中並說:「我們要強調,我們反對這個倡議以及意在恢復徒勞無益談判的一切行動。」1050603

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